
On this page I will introduce you to concepts of how and where love relationships can develop. The numbers match the respective values that you determined under the menu item 'Blocks'. I will deliberately only present concepts for the numbers 1-5, since only these have a new value and you want to develop 'upwards' - towards more love and freedom. (Most conservative relationships are based on safety thinking from level 5 onwards). If your values are often between 6-10, I will show you under the menu item 'Elements' ways in which you can take yourself to a 'higher level'.

The concepts are arranged hierarchically and the development goes from rough to fine, ie the knowledge or awareness of the previous level is assumed. The same applies to the recommendations for action: only the additional points will be mentioned in the following stages.

Concept 5:

Short self-description: Your life is basically good, you have good days and bad days, but overall you are satisfied. You feel like an average person, so you don't feel like you're particularly good and talented, nor do you suffer from complexes. Sometimes you are frustrated or impatient and insecure, but overall on a comparatively 'good' (normal) level.

If you want to connect more and more deeply with your fellow human beings and above all with your partner, you can do this with more openness and warmth of heart. Some very simple activities can be: cooking and eating, especially healthy, colorful and low-pollution foods, or activities in nature, especially in the water. What is the background? Playing, laughing, singing etc. bring about a relaxed opening full of trust in you. In ball games (tennis, volleyball, soccer, etc.) you transfer energy from one person to another. In order for the game to work, the ball receives impulses from all sides and transmits them playfully. Be aware of that!

Be in the water, play with the water and with your partner or other people. Feel carried by the element of water and transfer this feeling to your partner. Feel supported by him/her and life (consciously!). Eat and share your food. Feed each other (playfully) and feel like being nourished by life. Deliberately transfer this feeling to your partner. Feel nourished materially and energetically. Love each other physically, but take in the emotional nourishment (love and closeness) with full awareness and don't just use the other's body for your own lust. Warms your soul in the presence of the other. Be free in your love. Pass them on to other people as much as you can. Little things make a big difference. But focus primarily on one partner until you understand the merging of the whole (Concept 1). Practice on a small scale and transfer it to the whole.

Habits to develop: Hold hands, look into each other's eyes, tell about yourself. Sentences that start with 'I want to tell you'. Ex: I want to tell you how I feel; I want to tell you what annoys me; in the sense of: 'I want you to be part of my life'... not as a trash can for the emotional ballast, but to actively establish and deepen the connection. let it flow It is quite normal and must be such that emotions arise. You should definitely endure and accept this. Tears wash the soul clean. Establish a touch that is not sexual but expresses affection. Then you are really close.

-> You have created trust through affection, openness and honesty. The connection has a completely different value and depth.

Concept 4:

Short self-description: You are very satisfied with your life and overall rather balanced. You feel empowered when others agree with you, but you stand firm when they don't. In addition, you deal with changes in a positive and open-minded manner and lead a future-oriented relationship based on trust and love.

This joy and peace that you carry within you radiate to the outside and thus influences your surroundings. Although your partnership is above average, you are still two individuals who are far from close. Sexuality as the physical expression of intimate feelings for one another has so far been (only) physically satisfying. The next step is to create unity between you. Love flows into you through your own friends and illuminates those around you. Laughter is your connection to your partner and to your fellow human beings. To be able to (honestly) laugh, you have to be free and feel good and safe. (The influence of alcohol and drugs is expressly not meant! The feeling should have arisen in you)

What can you do? Eye contact is very important because the intimacy of the exchange connects hearts and souls. Love is transmitted through the eyes, you see yourself in the other. The tender contact and the disembodied feeling increases. This means that from time to time you feel your partner (his/her energy) without physically touching him/her and you know his/her thoughts without speaking them out. Sexual experiences or jointly guided experience mediations connect, because they create an experience space that only exists for the two of you. No one else has access to your own world. Sexual experience is no longer about chasing a physical climax, but about making the connection and 'feeling inside' the other. This is mainly done through the eyes and the desire for an intimate relationship. This begins the active search for fusion on a mental, emotional and physical level.

Concept 3:

Short self-description: You have a strong basic belief in yourself and your own abilities and you are very happy and full of optimism. Both in dealing with other people and with your partner, you maintain an open and loving relationship. Overall, you feel capable and flexible enough to deal with life and the necessary changes with confidence.

You are above average and can keep your energy (your mood) at a high level. Accordingly, you know what is good for you and what you need to take care of yourself. But what you also feel is the desire to 'grow beyond yourself'. You subconsciously know that you should and want to be stronger and bigger, but you realize that this is not (yet) the case. Being with your partner gives you a glimpse and an idea of what that feels like as your energies blend and become something bigger, stronger. In the event of a (short-term/spatial) separation, you experience a subliminal insecurity because you fall back on yourself. Accordingly, you are always looking for this feeling of unity and want to realize it with your partner.

You yourself can only maintain your energy field on an individual level. That means you need your partner to create the greater unity and the longing to do that is great. The feeling of unity or energy field that you create with your partner only lasts for a short time and depends, among other things, on how similar (connected) your partner is to you. How this longing expresses itself in you and how you realize it varies.

When you have formed this unit, the energy is very strong in itself and is constantly being reinforced by the partner. You are part of a greater whole.

How can you increase this feeling? You can look at and perceive each other intensively. Your focus should be on the positive and loving. Supporting activities are eg dancing, ie quietly, floating and hugging. You feel the outer form of the partner, ie his/her body. This is his/her individuality or the separation between you and during this you contemplate his/her (visually visible) feelings and sensations. Then you try to absorb them.

Concept 2:

Small self-description: Your life is going wonderfully, you feel beautiful and loved and are open to new things. You have a lot of self-confidence, your life and your relationship are colourful, lively and exciting and your connection to your partner is strong.

You are still two individual people who have to actively establish the connection to each other, ie the formation of unity does not yet take place automatically. Nor is there the separation between you that expresses your individuality. Even love does not vibrate through your body on its own, this requires the stimulation of sexual energy. Through the physical union, the merging with the partner (and thus the physical dissolution of personal boundaries) takes place effortlessly. This feeling of unity is seen as the new normal* and the physical (spatial) separation from the partner is felt as a break/pain. This new state of being fills the entire individual body with love.

This session has a very high energy level, similar to ecstasy. The connection to the partner is now always there. Small stimuli, like smiling, are sufficient for an inner stirring that leads to orgasmic feelings. You are highly sensitive and react to the smallest changes. Anything can bring you into rapture because it is the energy that you feel. Every impulse from the partner in your own direction is perceived as a small positive pressure wave. Practice playing with it. That is, send him/her a smile or intense looks. From now on you can tease your partner with small (electrical) thought impulses. Touch seems old-fashioned and too gross. Ecstatic states are transmitted and received through loving and pleasurable thoughts.

*This feeling of shared strength can also be experienced at 'lower levels' - but then it is a co-dependency, since the individual is not strong enough in himself.

Concept 1:

Small self-description: You have complete trust in yourself, know your worth and are free and independent. You live your relationship full of anticipation and passion and are in love with both life and your partner.

The love relationship is almost perfect on this level. She is full of happiness and contentment. Your powers of perception will greatly increase and you will radiate love wherever you are and wherever you go. Your life is a miracle and that's how you feel about it. As for your partnership, it is full of love and mutual respect. It nourishes you and him/her on all levels. It is a heart connection that makes everything in you sing. Full of mutual understanding that does not require language, a telepathic understanding.

It is a tender, open support that makes you feel carried and lifted. Being connected to each other, always, regardless of whether you are physically together or not. This also includes feeling over great distances, in blind understanding, an enlargement of one's being, an expansion. Full of love and affection and the knowledge of connection. A merger takes place to form a larger unit. The physical union is no longer necessary. You are merged with the environment.

When you are connected to everything that is, you live subtle, ie your own body is charged and electrified. Your energy level (vibration) is very high. Everything that is (exists) has an effect on your own self. The trees, animals, the water, stones, everything. You feel their liveliness in vibration and pick up the smallest sound waves from your surroundings. It is a communication with life itself. Your consciousness is focused on BEING, on self-awareness. Feel and perceive yourself as alive. You experience a deep inner joy. From now on there is no longer any need to have a single (fixed) partner, since you are in loving connection with all living beings. The exchange with your environment is permanent.